SAVI Card Users Group – Inaugural Meeting
Saturday January 8
1pm EST, 10am PST, 6pm UK time
If you own a set of SAVI Cards, you’re a member of an elite club of teachers, coaches and performers.
You’ve added a powerful, innovative tool to your teaching toolkit, one designed to help your students succeed on the musical stage, and you’ve taken a big step toward becoming a more “savvy” musical theater educator.
The response I’ve gotten since I introduced SAVI Cards back in 2019 has been very gratifying, and I learn something from every user’s experiences and comments.
Especially at this present moment, where so much teaching and practicing is being done remotely, SAVI Cards give your students ways to enhance their creativity and expressiveness while helping them master the technical skill at the heart of effective singing acting:
the ability to create expressive behavior while singing
and coordinate that behavior with a musical performance.
Now it’s time to take your SAVI Cards to the next level!
Please join me for the first-ever meeting of the SAVI Card Users Group, coming up in just ten days.
I think it will be exciting to spend a little time with SAVI Card users from near and far: voice teachers, drama teachers, musical theater coaches and performers.
You probably have at least one story from the front lines, an example of SAVI cards in action. And I wouldn’t be surprised to learn you have questions about the best ways to use SAVI Cards to supercharge a lesson, class, rehearsal or practice session. Let’s get together and talk SAVI!
I will answer your questions, invite you to share your success stories, and demonstrate a few ways that SAVI Cards can help you and your students to Practice Better and Perform Better.
It’s a free session that’ll definitely be worth your time!
I’m Charlie Gilbert and I’m the creator of SAVI Cards, which are a featured component of The SAVI System, the innovative pedagogy for training singing actors you can read about in my new book, The SAVI Singing Actor. They’ve created a buzz at presentations for the International Thespian Festival, the Musical Theatre Educators Alliance and the Southeastern Theatre Conference, and hundreds of sets have found their way into the hands of savvy musical theater performers and educators. Here’s what they’re saying:
“A perfect bridge to 21st century storytelling in musical theater.”
– Forrest McClendon, American actor, educator and Tony nominee
“The students loved the physicality and the connection the cards encouraged during rehearsal.”
– Holly Stanfield, award-winning educator, Bradford High School, Kenosha WI
“A great way to continue learning and building during this pandemic.”
– student in SAVI Academy online class “Reboot Your Repertoire”
“Just brilliant.”
– Simon Ward, Australian singer, actor and psychologist
The enforced isolation of the pandemic is making us all confront the fundamental challenge of the practice room, the place where you “sharpen your axe” and prep your rep so you can shine in classes and rehearsals. Working alone and independently, without the camaraderie of rehearsal and the encouragement of coaches and tutors, is a skill every successful performing artist must master.
SAVI Cards are like a canteen of water in the sensory desert of the practice room environment. You’ll come to think of them as a kind of “coach in a box,” a source of inspiration, provocation and creative stimulation that will work reliably whether you’re alone or in a group.
Join me for a free SAVI Cards Users Group meeting on Saturday January 8th (1-2pm on the US East Coast) and see for yourself why teachers and students from Kenosha to Wahroonga are raving about SAVI cards. Come learn about a powerful new addition to your teaching tool-kit that will supercharge your musical theater students’ progress. I’ll show you how to make sure your students get the most value from their SAVI Cards in the practice room, the classroom and the rehearsal room.