I’ve just returned from the Musical Theater Educators Alliance conference in San Diego, where over a hundred of the best and brightest educators from the field of musical theater spent three exciting days discussing the latest innovations and trends. It was an amazing experience, and if you don’t know about this terrific organization, click here to learn more.
One of the highlights of the conference was the unveiling of the latest edition of the MTEA Journal, which includes my article, “Navigating the Journey of the Song.” Click on the image below to download the article and read about how phrase-by-phrase analysis can serve you as a kind of “GPS,” providing turn-by-turn directions to help you create behavior that has variety and impact!
Paying close attention to each individual “turn” in the journey of the song is a sure-fire way to maximize the variety in your performance, and Variety (the “V” of SAVI) is a key attribute of effective singing acting.